Post by á£Îmaý---♫♥ on Apr 9, 2008 22:34:55 GMT -5
"We're planning to extend our territory into RainClan and AquaClan," Cactus explained," That'll give us some power over the clan cats." "Nice to meet you Nightshade," Burntstar meowed. He was glad the she-cat trusted him and in turn he would give her the same amount of trust and respect. "Suntail and Spider can help train you. They're both the same size as you. They'll teach you how to put your size to work." "We can move quicker and faster," Suntail purred. "I remember Scarletbreath," Burntstar meowed sadly," Owlspot is trying to convince Stormpaw and Redwind to join us. You'ld be a great influence over your families decision." "Poor Scarletbreath," Spider mumbled. He would hate to have only 3 legs. "Can she hunt?" he asked," With only three legs I mean? Is she an elder?" "Short-tail....," Suntail murmured. The name seemed familiar to her. "I think she was a BeachClan queen. She died several seasons ago I think..."
Post by Lexie on Apr 10, 2008 14:43:15 GMT -5
Deadsoul blinked. "No, she can hunt. It's her back leg she doesn't have. She just can't climb trees or catch a bird. She has a limp." he confirmed. "That's good, lets hope that my sister can join and help." he meowed. "Maybe we could have the willow tree. Or get Beachclan's Beach!" he purred.
Post by Tiger on Apr 10, 2008 14:48:00 GMT -5
Nightshade nodded, her thoughts several fox-lengths away. "Pleasure to meet you all as well. Some training would be great. Hmmm..." Would it be possible...? "Suntail, do you know if Shorttail had any kits and if they're still alive?" She flicked her tail, intrigued by the possibility of finding family in the forest.
Post by á£Îmaý---♫♥ on Apr 11, 2008 19:11:38 GMT -5
Suntail dropped her gaze in thought and looked up to meet Nightshade's. "I think so," she meowed," I remember Short-tail being awfully proud when Quietshadow was made medicine cat apprenticed. I think he was her son." Spider smiled at Nightshade. He liked the idea of training with her. "Wow, you might have family here," he meowed to her. Burntstar shook his massive head. "We don't want to be too greedy. We already have a large amount of land. We just want some which the two-legs aren't near," he meowed. Personally himself, he didn't like the beach. It was too sandy and it got in his eyes. "Your sister would be a great benefit to our cause," Cactus meowed coldly. He loved the idea of betrayal within the clans.
Post by Tiger on Apr 11, 2008 19:17:30 GMT -5
She nodded. "Yeah...I guess I do." Nightshade flicked her tail and looked over towards what she thought would be the ocean. "I hope you don't mean me, Cactus. I don't have a sister. No blood siblings, to tell the truth." Her voice was cold and her tail was wrapped around her front paws. She didn't like that cat very much.
Post by á£Îmaý---♫♥ on Apr 11, 2008 19:50:22 GMT -5
Cactus laughed. It was deep rumbling sound, rusty from not being used often. "I meant Deadsoul," he chuckled. Suntail stared at her father as if he had grown two heads. "Your laughing?" she exclaimed. Spider was as equally surprised. "I have a sister," he mumured absently.
Post by Tiger on Apr 11, 2008 19:55:29 GMT -5
Ignoring the others almost completely except for a surprised whisker twitch at Cactus's strange laugh, she continued on. "Well, if he's a medicine cat, I doubt he'd help us rogues in any way." Nightshade gave her chest fur a quick lick before turning her gaze back to a spot on the horizon. "I see lightning in the distance."
Post by á£Îmaý---♫♥ on Apr 11, 2008 20:51:29 GMT -5
Suntail nodded in agreement. She was still a little stunned by Cactus's laughter. "We better find shelter," Burntstar told the group," The storm might get closer." Spider licked his paw and brought it over his ear. "They say when the rumbles of thunder get closer together it means the storm is getting closer," he stated. "And would 'they' be that filthy clan loving loner scum Faunus?" Cactus snarled. Spider paused in his grooming. "You may be correct," he meowed calmly, looking away. Spider refused to be harassed by this tom. He was strong and independent. That's what he kept telling himself anyway.
Post by Tiger on Apr 12, 2008 10:52:53 GMT -5
Nightshade rolled her eyes. Mouse-brain, she thought, glaring at Cactus. "Deadsoul said that there was a twoleg barn a bit further up ahead." The she-cat flicked her tail to a direction to the right of where she had seen the lightning.
Post by á£Îmaý---♫♥ on Apr 12, 2008 23:23:08 GMT -5
Cactus snarled again while Burntstar simply shook his head. "No Nightshade," Burntstar meowed softly," That's where loners live. We are cats who can live without the comforts of two-leg structures." "That scum Faunus lives there," Cactus spat. Spider shrugged. "I kind of like him. He tells good stories," he meowed cheerfully. Cactus smacked the lithe black-tom over the head with an unsheathed paw.
Post by Jaystar on Apr 13, 2008 12:32:06 GMT -5
Stoneclaw, still in Starclan noticed all the rogues planning the battle and a shiver went through his body. "Burntstar" He meowed half-heartedly. He didn't know for sure if he was allowd in Starclan to talk to the rogues even if they weren't asleep, but he decided to give it a try. "Burntstar!" He hissed louder at the rogue.
Post by Lexie on Apr 13, 2008 14:26:00 GMT -5
Deadsoul trotted out of the grass and near the cats. "I guess we can hang out in a hollow in one of the clan territories. In Frostclan, it's snowing though, and in Beachclan it's blazing hot." he meowed. He sat down and licked his paw then scrubbed his head.
Post by Tiger on Apr 13, 2008 16:55:53 GMT -5
"I'd like to go to BeachClan sometime, to see him," Nightshade meowed, still off-track. "Wonder what he's like." She nosed a chunk of semi-dried mud off of her white paw. "Ick." The sludge was sticking to her fur and was not drying quickly, thanks to the humid air.
Post by Lexie on Apr 13, 2008 17:02:05 GMT -5
"Who are you talking about?" Deadsoul snarled. "Are you just talking to the clouds of Starclan, it's not like I'm going there anyways." she growled. Then Deadsoul looked away and blinked his one eye.
Post by Tiger on Apr 13, 2008 17:09:40 GMT -5
"I mean my half-brother," she meowed, not paying much attention to the other rogues. "I haven't met any other family of mine, and I would like to see him." Nightshade flicked her tail with an air of superiority.
Post by Lexie on Apr 13, 2008 17:24:05 GMT -5
Deadsoul blinked his one eye once more. "What's his name? I might of heard him." he meowed. He started to padd toward her. He blinked and then squinted his eye. Then he sighed.
Post by Tiger on Apr 13, 2008 17:35:26 GMT -5
"Quietshadow is what Suntail said. I think," she meowed. Nightshade sat and drew her right paw over her ear. She licked the paw off after a second.
Post by Lexie on Apr 13, 2008 17:39:05 GMT -5
"So your Quietshadow's half sister?" he meowed. He was amazed. But then he relized of how much they looked alike. "Interesting." he meowed.
Post by Tiger on Apr 13, 2008 17:41:13 GMT -5
"Yeah, I guess we both have the same father," she meowed. "Do you know anything about him?" Nightshade blinked, eager to get more information on her only relative in the forest. With a name like Quietshadow, she could guess he was a rather reserved cat.
Post by Lexie on Apr 13, 2008 18:55:38 GMT -5
"Well, I know he's really quiet and is always worried. He looks just like you but without the white patches." he began, "during gatherings he looks always unconfortable, but he's in the front and I'm in the back so it's only my opinion." he meowed. "I always see him around looking for herbs in this area sometimes, but I'm not quite sure if it's him," he murmured.
Post by Tiger on Apr 13, 2008 18:59:11 GMT -5
"Hmmm," she pondered. "Doesn't seem very much like me. If you see him around here tell him his mystery half-sister said hi, okay?" Nightshade yawned and stretched out. "Let's take the others' advice and find shelter." The once distant rumbles of thunder were growing progressively louder.
Post by á£Îmaý---♫♥ on Apr 14, 2008 2:11:42 GMT -5
Burntstar went rigid as he heard a voice calling his name. He recognised the scent of Stoneclaw and smiled. So the tom got into StarClan... Suntail shook her head. "Not on clan territories. They will be expecting an attack and if they see us it puts all of us in danger. We go back to the rogue nest," she meowed. Spider spat at Cactus and moved away from him. He padded to stand beside Deadsoul and Nightshade. "It's nice you have family here. I don't know where my sister is," he commented, trying desperately to make conversation with someone.
Post by Lexie on Apr 14, 2008 16:22:38 GMT -5
Deadsoul blinked at Nightshade. "Sorry can't do that, he can alert Icestar that I was on her territory." he meowed. Then he looked at Burnstar and pricked his ears forward. Then at the Starclan warrior. "Surprising that you made it to Starclan," Deadsoul joked.
Post by Tiger on Apr 14, 2008 17:32:55 GMT -5
Now thoroughly irked by the other cats acting smarter than herself, Nightshade gritted her teeth and fluffed the fur on her pelt. "Fine, the rogue nest," she meowed grumpily. "Can we please get a move on?" The distant rumbles of thunder were cresendoing; the occasional flickers of lightning became more vivid.
Post by á£Îmaý---♫♥ on Apr 15, 2008 1:51:35 GMT -5
Burntstar nodded and led the band of cats away. "Suntail and I will be sleeping in our den," he meowed," Cactus has a den of his own under some bracken. Spider? You dug out a rabbit warren a few seasons ago am I right?" Spider nodded. "I can share with Deadsoul and Nightshade if they want," he meowed glancing at the tow cats.
Post by Tiger on Apr 15, 2008 19:44:05 GMT -5
"That would be ideal," she meowed. "I've been sleeping in the open lately for lack of shelter. Back home we slept in cave-ish dens...are there any of those around here?" Nightshade flicked her tail hopefully. "If not, I'll be in their den."
Post by Lexie on Apr 15, 2008 19:58:13 GMT -5
Deadsoul shook his head, "there shouldn't. This is a grassland area. If there is there might of been mountains here years and years ago." he meowed. He looked at Burntstar. "Surprising that we've made it this far." he meowed quietly.
Post by Tiger on Apr 15, 2008 20:12:39 GMT -5
Nightshade sighed dejectedly. "Okay then. Shall we get going, finally? How far are we from the nest?" She peered around the group, resting her critical gaze longest on Cactus. The rogue gave an abrupt jump when a bolt of lightning flew down from the sky and struck a tree about a mile away.
Post by á£Îmaý---♫♥ on Apr 16, 2008 3:44:43 GMT -5
Burntstar hissed and flattened himself against the ground. Suntail cowered away and leaned and against her mate. "Time to go," Cactus announced. He narrowed his eyes at Nightshade before running off. Suntail and Burntstar streaked after him towards the rogue nest. "There's no rocks here," Spider meowed," You see some in the two-leg gardens. You can't sleep in them though. Come on. I'll show you my den. We should all fit." He jumped and spun around as a flash of lightning lit up the sky.
Post by Tiger on Apr 16, 2008 15:40:10 GMT -5
Nightshade's muscles tensed with the lightning flash but slunk after Spider. "Okay," she mewed. "Come on, Deadsoul." She strode on with a contemptuous glare at Cactus. "There's a lot of room in your den...right? I'd like to be able to breathe, you know."